Shipping and Returns Policy

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  • Shipping and Returns Policy offers a refund to original payment within 30 days of delivery, or store credit within 90 days. Gift card are ineligible for a return. If you are unsatisfied with a product, please request a return here. We are unable to provide exchanges. If your original order included a free gift, sample, or other promotional item, please make sure to return it to receive a complete refund or we will deduct the value of the gift from your refund. Paid shipping fees are non-refundable.

Lancer Skincare is distributed and sold through Authorized Retailers across the globe. Please visit our Store Locator to find a retailer near you or contact Customer Service at for support.

Our online store ( does not ship internationally at this time.

For those in China, please visit

When will my order ship?

All orders can take up to 4 business days to ship.

How much does shipping cost?

Lancer Skincare offers FREE ground shipping on all domestic orders.

Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico will be charged 2nd Day rates.

UPS 2nd Day Air: $18.00
UPS Next Day Air: $35.00

Paid shipping fees are non-refundable.

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Product Returns
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30-day money-back guarantee

30-day money-back guarantee

Secure payment

Secure payment

Trusted by 300 Customers

Trusted by 300 Customers