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5 Minutes With... Haley Bennett


With four movies coming out this year and two more slated for 2015, Haley Bennett (Music and Lyrics, Marley & Me) is fast becoming a Hollywood it-girl. The stunning, porcelain-skinned starlet, who’s often spotted in the front row at Paris Fashion Week, entrusts her flawless face to Lancer Skincare. She spilled a few of her health and beauty secrets to us:

Lancer Skincare: What difference does good skin care make in your career?

Haley Bennett: It’s important to maintain the health of my skin so I can spend less time in a makeup chair and more time getting beauty rest in the morning. Also, the integrity of the skin makes everyone feel good and gives us confidence.

LS: Do you have a favorite product in the Lancer Skincare range?

HB: If I had to pick one product, it would be the stem cell serum. I always beg RPK to slather on Lancer’s golden miracle potion after a facial. Oh, and his sunscreen is my handbag’s best friend. And my shower’s best mates are the face and body polish. I mean, I love it all – the products work wonders.

LS: What’s your best quick glowing skin tip?

HB: The simplest thing, stay hydrated. Become obsessed with avocado, nut butter and greens. Yum.

LS: What is the strangest or most unexpected piece of advice has Dr. Lancer given you?

HB: To eliminate gluten, I mean….not the strangest thing but the hardest thing. I love a good bolognese. Sorry, Dr. Lancer!

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